My Favorite Classroom Management Tip

Picture this scene from my first year classroom:

Thirty third graders, excited about an activity, *speaking* VERY loudly at each other, there was probably a kid under the table at some point (face palm). I, the poor first year teacher who introduced a fun activity without laying down some ground rules, surveyed the chaotic scene in front of me, picked up a small responsive classroom management chime (that I was told worked like magic….) and tapped the chime very gently in the hopes of regaining control of the classroom. Obviously, it didn’t work or I wouldn’t be telling you this story.

So, here is what I WISH someone had given me instead of a little chime my first day of teaching:

Call and Response Cards: Why I love Them

Call and responses are exactly what they sound like: the teacher calls out a cue and the students respond. I start the year with some favorites posted on a prominent wall in the classroom. These become our go to call and responses throughout the school year. Then below those I add “Special Call and Responses” that are seasonal and change throughout the year.


I swear by posting these up in the classroom for a variety of reasons:

  1. My memory is terrible and if I don’t have call and responses posted on the wall I revert to tired ones that everyone is sick of hearing.

  2. Kids LIKE to be able to see them and will get so excited about new seasonal call backs. They will even make requests or ask to lead them!

  3. It is so helpful for specials teachers or other instructors who push into your classroom to be able to see exactly what you do to get everyone’s attention so that they can keep your classroom management system consistent for your students.

Click this link for over 70 unique call backs to use throughout the school year!


Do you use call and responses in your classroom too? What are some of your favorites? Let us know in the comments below!