Back to School

Here we go again…

Like it or not, the first day of school is rapidly approaching! A few days ago, @GiftedTeacher305 started a great IGTV series on engaging back to school lessons. I had the opportunity to share two of my favorite first day of school activities. You can find my video on IG @SpaidsInTheClassroom but I thought I would share them here too.

First Day of School Challenge

There is nothing my 4th graders like more than a “challenge”! So we start off right away with this easy-to-print packet. Students work their way through various tasks: a word search, multiplication facts and a writing prompt. Each task leads to a clue that will tell students what to do next.


It takes me about 5 minutes to prepare for our very first lesson in 4th grade (#winning)! I print these packets on colorful Astro Bright paper and hand them out as students walk in the door! This activity takes about an hour— I play music and students leisurely complete the work. The beauty of having this independent challenge at the beginning of the day is that it leaves me free to get to know each student and watch how students interact with each other.

Get to Know Me

After the back to school challenge we play a get to know me game of musical chairs or pass the parcel. I love these two old-fashioned birthday party games and use them a lot throughout the year to make task cards more exciting.


These games are super quick and easy. Either print out these ready-made task cards or jot down a few of your own get-to-know-you questions.

Let me know if you try either of these activities and have a great first week back to school!